Sunday, 30 December 2012

More Previous Nails...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

Wow... it would appear that we have a lot of catching up to do as far as my nails are concerned. 
I was looking through my Instagram to find picture of my nail arts, and I must admit, I didn't realize how obsessive I am over nail art! 

So here are some other nails I would like to share with you... again they are all by me unless otherwise stated... 

Vintage Rose Toes

Retro Pac-Man

Short Rose Nails

Multi-Glitter <3

Movember Nails

Flower Accent

By Frances Kavanagh

Pastel Flower Accent




Silver Foils


Gold Aztec
Can't wait to show you my nail wheels too!

If you have any suggestions, post below.


Thursday, 27 December 2012

Winter Drinks...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

I'm one of those people who is always drinking. I drink so much! Usually Tea (no sugar) or blackcurrant squash. But while it's been cold I've tried some other drinks whilst being out and about.

Firstly I tried a Costa Honeycomb Hot Chocolate after so many people had recommended them. Although it was yummy as far as Hot Chocolate goes; with a slight hint of the honeycomb warming you up inside.  I must say I would still choose Costa Peppermint Hot Chocolate any day, just because I love mint chocolate. 
Too busy to drink, take out it is! 

I also ventured into ShakeAway! I felt like a 12 year old walking in there and seeing all of the chocolates and sweets on the wall to choose from. Instead I chose a more 'grown-up' shake called 'Sylvia'; Apple pie, cinnamon and custard... YUM!
Tasted like Festive Spirit in my mouth!

When talking to my friend from Uni who lived in America a few years ago, we got onto the topic of Eggnog and how she make it every year for Christmas. I had never tried it so I goggled it to if we have it in England. You can buy Advocaat in most supermarkets but I'm not sure if this is the same. 
I found some in the 'overseas' part of TESCO in a carton. 
My verdict is; it is a taste i have never come close to before... a bit like custard with a perfume taste and a hint of nutmeg. I don't think I will be in a hurry to try it again, unless it's homemade.

Can be purchased at TESCO

Alicia Emmie

Friday, 21 December 2012

Previous Nails...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Family <3

I am loving blogging at the minute; it's all I ever think about! 

Below are some of my previous nail designs that I wish to share with you all. I have done all of them unless it says otherwise, but i apologize for the image quality as i have taken them of my Instagram. I have more lined up that are a lot more arty, but here is a taster...





3D Heart Accent 

Teal Tribal Accent

Caviar Accent

I hope you like them!
If you have any requests, post below and I will attempt them!


Lip Care Review...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

A few weeks ago my lips were drying out, so when I found my Cherry Carmex in my bag I was pretty chuffed. I applied it whenever my lips felt bad; but they started to get worse and even split one night. I'm not sure if my Carmex had gone off, or if just doesn't suit my lips but i have heard good reviews from most other people, so i guess it's just me.

So, in pain and unable to smile i purchased some Vaseline Pink Bubbly from ASDA hoping that it would help; and it did! I applied it before I went to bed and a few times throughout the day, and within 2 days my lips were back to normal.

My friend bought me some Bubble Gum Lip Scrub from LUSH for my Birthday which is amazing. I had used some of my friends before and loved it, so it's great to have my own now!
I apply it when my lips feel like they need a scrub. I used to use a soft tooth brush and do this after I had brushed my teeth, but this is far better and tastes yummy!

You dip the tip of your finger into the pot and then scrub it onto your lips so you can feel the exfoliation! 
Next is the yummy part - lick it all off! 
And hay-presto! you now have perfect, plump smooth lips.


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

December Favorites...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

Considering I've just started blogging, and it is December I thought it would be fun to share with you my December favorites!

Bow Back Court - Topshop £65.00
Soap and Glory Body Butter - Boots £8.00
Mustard Cable - Jack Wills £49.00
Panther Skater Dress - Topshop £28.00
Bow Earmuff - Topshop £14.00
BarryM Raspberry - BarryM £2.99
BarryM Red Glitter - BarryM £2.99
D&G 3 L'IMPERATRICE  - The Perfume Shop £35.00
Vaseline Pink Bubbly - Asda £1.50
Grey Embellished Knit - Topshop £50.00
Leather Pocket Scarf - Topshop £45.00 
Monochrome Head Band - Newlook £4.00

Also, you will soon learn that I am slightly obsessed with nail varnish and nail art. I haven't done may nail designs lately as I have been so busy with Uni work. But I will make up for it in January and make a Christmas Blues nail wheel to cheer you all up after Christmas. 

These are my December nails...

BarryM Black & Bourjois SoMatt Top Coat
Accent Finger: BarryM Black & Technic Carnival

BarryM Indigo & White Art Pen
Topshop Celestial 204 & 3D 202

Merry Christmas!


Sunday, 16 December 2012

Virgin Blogger...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

I'm about to loose my Blogging Virginity! 

I have create a blog after some of my friends having one and theirs being a huge success, also it is somewhere that I can share my views and reviews on certain products of things in life.

The Name
Eventual - Good things come to those who wait. It may take time but eventually they will arrive. 
Minute - Life is governed by time and I hate this. But a minute is not too long and not too short. 


Blogging Virginity Lost!