AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3
A few weeks ago my lips were drying out, so when I found my Cherry Carmex in my bag I was pretty chuffed. I applied it whenever my lips felt bad; but they started to get worse and even split one night. I'm not sure if my Carmex had gone off, or if just doesn't suit my lips but i have heard good reviews from most other people, so i guess it's just me.
So, in pain and unable to smile i purchased some Vaseline Pink Bubbly from ASDA hoping that it would help; and it did! I applied it before I went to bed and a few times throughout the day, and within 2 days my lips were back to normal.
My friend bought me some Bubble Gum Lip Scrub from LUSH for my Birthday which is amazing. I had used some of my friends before and loved it, so it's great to have my own now!
I apply it when my lips feel like they need a scrub. I used to use a soft tooth brush and do this after I had brushed my teeth, but this is far better and tastes yummy!
You dip the tip of your finger into the pot and then scrub it onto your lips so you can feel the exfoliation!
Next is the yummy part - lick it all off!
And hay-presto! you now have perfect, plump smooth lips.