Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Phone Case Collection...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

People are always commenting on my phone cases because they say that every time they see me I have a different one on. I don't own 365 cases, but my Ebay watching list is always full of cases I want to purchase. 

I think I'm addicted!

So my phone is a white iPhone 4S. I got in white because I think it looks fresher and more girly. 

Here are my cases...

Turtle - Silicone, Ebay (makes your phone easy to find in your bag!)
Blue with White Dots Flip - Faux Leather, Ebay (protects the screen of your phone)
Clear Angled - Plastic, Ebay (I actually thought this was iridescent when I bought it)
Lilac Lace and Pearl - Plastic, Ebay (I get so many compliments from this case!)
Pink 3D Flowers - Plastic, Ebay (this case got dirty so easily and it wont come off!)
Mint Cute Cut Out - Plastic, Ebay (love this case so much, but the plastic if quite thin)
Vintage Camera - Plastic, Ebay (makes my phone look like a camera. Bonus)
Bow and Birdcage - Plastic, Ebay (I actually bought my phone in white just to go with this case!)
Mint Lace and Pearl - Plastic, Ebay (This is so dirty and will not come clean even with Vanish Oxi Action)
Blue and Pink Checked - Material and Silicon, (*)speck (this case is super protective! They are expensive to buy, but my friend gave it me. She's a keeper)
Aztec - Plastic, Ebay (my latest case. This looks so cool!)
Hello Kitty - Plastic, Ebay (comes in two halves and clicks into place)

So those are my cases :) they were all roughly 99p if purchased on Ebay. I buy them from China and wait a month for the to arrive. 99p well spent I say!

If anyone knows how I can clean the Pink 3D Flower case and the Mint Lace and Pearl case please let me know!!!!

Also link any cases you think I might like! 


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Primark Haul...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

Wow. I am the most inconsistent blogger there is I think. Sorry!
I've had so much uni work lately and been through a pretty rough patch... hence the mega Primark haul. There is nothing that retail therapy fails to take your mind off.. apart from if you are skint I suppose. 

So here is what I bought... I nearly had a heart attack when the man behind the counter told me how much it all was! I'm not putting prices on so comment if you would like to know the price of anything. Also I purchase these in the Telford, UK branch of Primark which is pretty large so not all smaller Primark's will have all of these items. 

I've made three key outfits in this haul:
 Monochrome jeans, with the dork top, red shoes and then teamed with a black blazer I already have;
Blue jeans, mint blazer, crochet top along with a blouse under the crotchet top;
Blue jeans, white peplum top and orange necklace. 

Other things I purchased I just needed and will wear with clothes I already have.


Friday, 1 February 2013

Eyeliner Flicks...

AliciaEmmie, 15th December, University, Biomedical Sciences, Current, Makeup, Vintage, Family <3

Wow, I haven't blogged in sooooo long! I've been really busy with uni work and I went home last weekend and was super busy at Wrekin Dance Festival. So I apologise. 
I promised my friend ( that I would do a tutorial on how to do eyeliner flicks as she really wants to be able to do them. 
I must say that I taught myself by watching YouTube tutorials; so if my tutorial is a big fat fail then I would suggest having a look on YouTube. 

I will show you step by step shots showing you how to create three different types of flicks so you can try them all and decide which one suits you most. I have no other makeup on in these photos apart from the eyeliner and I also have eye creme on, so my eye lids may look shiny. 

I will be using MAC Fluidline Eye-Liner Gel in Blacktrack. I have many eyeliners, but I find that this one is the best for flicks as it is easy to work with and it stays put where as other liquid liners I have used just crumble after a few hours wear. 
For application I am using an angled eyeliner brush that I purchased from Ebay for 99p! I would recommend anyone who is just starting out using eyeliner or flicks to buy one of these as the angled brush makes application so easy because you can see clearly where you are putting the eyeliner and also it bends over the top of your eye lashes and doesn't spoil your mascara if you have already applied it.

Firstly, apply eyeliner like you usually would to your upper lid; starting thing in the corner of your eye then getting thicker as you move into the centre but keeping as close to your lashes as possible. (You can do it thinner but I prefer thinker liner on me personally).

Next, imagine that your bottom lash line is being extended up towards you eyebrow. Follow the angle of your lower lash line as best as you can and draw a line about 1cm big (depending how big you want your flicks) 

Next you need to draw a straight line from this new line to the upper lid liner. It is up to you where you connect it; but the further up towards the centre of your eye you attach it, the thicker it will look. (My line is pretty thick because I had too much liner on my brush, but it doesn't have to be a thick line). 

Now fill in the triangle between the two line and there you have... perfect flicks. 

With my eye actually open as it would be during the day it looks a bit different....

So that's style 1. Here are two other styles; 2  (left) is achieved by connecting the line up in a curved motion instead of a straight line. This is a more vintage look that suits some people. Style 3 (right) is like style 1 but with a much smaller liner from the bottom lashes. This look is far more natural that the other two styles. 

I hope this helped people. If you have any questions for tips you would like to share please comment :)
